Fuckin' Peace

For all indonesian people..

Today and tommorow..

The peace is not just a story..


I have made it in Irak, kill people there only for peace

I have made it in Afganistan, destroy their homes for peace

I have made it in Lebanon, make them loosing their family

it is all just for our world peace

now I am trying to make it in Palestine

Now, I'll ask you Indonesian People

Would you walk with me to make a peace on this world?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    (Peluncuran www.anginmammiri. org tempat kumpulna BLOGGER MAKASSAR)

    yang akan diselenggarakan pada:
    Hari : Sabtu
    Tanggal : 25 Nopember 2005
    Waktu : 16.00 wita - selesai
    Tempat : Kafe Baca Biblioholic
    Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 9 mo 76 (depan Mercedes Benz)
    Tamalanrea - Makassar


I have lived in Tamalanrea for 26 years..never leave it even one second, but to travel to others city was just my dream. On one second a chance come to me and I make a decision to catch the chance..Finally I found my self in some cities. Coming with my new desire to learn writing, a mixture occured. Try to write what I feel, see, taste, hear, with not enough experience in writing..


"Settingan tahun 1941 di sebuah daerah transmigrasi di Amerika. Dikaki pegunungan Allegheny yang terpencil itu terbentang kota Hyde Bend. Jantungnya adalah sebuah kilang baja; tulangnya, komunitas imigran Polandia yang rapat yang mendiami kota tersebut; dan darahnya, keyakinan Katolik mereka yang keras. Tetapi dalam jiwa kota itu terkubur rapat-rapat sebuah rahasia berbahaya yang mengelilingi kematian seorang pendeta yang sangat dipuja. "



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